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Tried & Tested: Antipodes Skincare

|On 6:59 pm
I was fortunate enough to receive a package around April/May containing skincare items from an all natural brand - Antipodes Skincare. My skin at the time was very problematic so I decided to stick to using these three products daily to really put them to the test. Keep on reading to hear my thoughts...

Trash Talk #3

|On 6:01 pm
I apologise in advance because this trash talk is going to be a long one, I recommend you grab a warm drink and a snack for this weeks post! I have collected heaps of empties between my last trash talk and now. Again, skincare produces are most dominant as I seem to use skincare products up super...

4 Masks That Actually Work

|On 7:19 pm
There are so many masks on the market and I have tried my fair share. This week I will be sharing with you the face masks that I've actually noticed to have made a difference to my skin. Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay $7.95 purchase here A few years ago I heard about this mask through...

Ride or Die Makeup Tag

|On 7:00 pm
Last night before going to sleep I had to stay up and watch Jaclyn Hill's new tag she created - the Ride or Die Makeup Tag. When I finished the video I knew I had to write up my own! The tag is simple when you first think about it, name your favourite products from each beauty category, however it...

Too Faced Born This Way Foundation First Impression

|On 6:14 pm
I picked up a sample of the Too Faced Born This Way foundation from my local Mecca after hearing so many positive reviews on it. If you read my blogposts regularly you will know that my skin type is dry and has a lot of redness so full coverage is a necessity. So, let's get into my thoughts on this...

Banish Dry Winter Skin

|On 7:12 pm
Welcome to my first skincare post in August! Even though there is only one month on winter left we can't forget to properly care for our skin. The cold weather may have taken a toll on your skin leaving it dry, dehydrated and dull. This weeks post will include a bunch of tips and products I suggest...

Flatlay tips & tricks

|On 6:50 pm
Since A Beginners Guide: How To Take The Perfect Flatlay is continuously my most viewed and most popular post I thought I would do an updated one. To read my first post regarding flatlays click here.  My first post was more focused on how to edit the image to get the perfect white backdrop and...