30 Day Ultrabland Challenge

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5:30 pm
For the past few months I have had a lot of acne due to hormones being completely out of whack so I decided to purchase Lush's Ultrabland Cleanser. I came across a few blogposts regarding a 30 day challenge using a particular LUSH product. These posts were very positive so I thought I would put it to the test, I mean its not like my face could get any worse right now.

First things first, what does this product claim to do
Almond Oil and rosewater lift away dirt, oil and makeup with ease. Remove with a hot wash cloth for clean soft skin. Ultrabland is a multipurpose healing and moisturising balm, and it has been said that there are over 100 uses for it. Rose for reducing redness and inflammation, and beeswax for helping give the skin a protective layer. Parents can use Ultrabland for nappy rash, as well as flaky skin that can be common in young babies.
I have no idea what the 100 uses for this product could be but I have decided to use it religiously every evening when I wash my face and occasionally in the mornings when I remember and can be bothered. I have heard good things about this so my hopes are high!

Dropping in for an 18th day update: Although I personally haven't noticed a reduction in my redness other people have, so I am taking this as a good sign and hopefully I start noticing too. The only thing I have noticed so far is that my skin is a lot less flaky and feels more hydrated.
This balm-type cleanser does leave my skin feeling a little greasy so I have been following up with another gentle cleanser (alternating between an Antipodes one and DermaVeen) to remove that feeling. Other than that I have nothing negative to say about this cleanser. It also does not irritate my skin at all!

I have been using this cleanser for 38 days now so here are my final thoughts on it. The major difference I noticed was that my dry patches have completely disappeared. Before starting with this cleanser I had random patches on my face and now I have none. My skin also feels a lot less dry and tight in the mornings which is amazing!

I also found it to reduce my acne, although I am on medication to clear up my skin so it could be a result to that and not the cleanser. In terms of redness it has reduced enough for me to slightly notice. I do have a lot of redness and scarring (7 years worth) so 30 days probably won't clear that up entirely. I will continue to use this up and then repurchase it to see if it does eventually clear up more of my redness. I will keep you all updated with how that goes but I highly recommend this cleansing balm. As I mentioned in my 18th day update it does leave an oily feeling residue so you will need to cleanse with something else afterwards, other than that I am in love with this product!
2 comments on "30 Day Ultrabland Challenge"
  1. ¡Descubre el secreto para una piel radiante! Prueba el Bálsamo Limpiador Facial de Emma Green

    1. ¡Descubre el secreto para una piel radiante! Prueba el Bálsamo Limpiador Facial de Emma Green


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