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2015 Favourites

|On 6:14 pm
​ ​​ ​2015 is already over and next year I'm no longer a teenager! The saying time flies when you're having fun could not be more true lately. In saying that these are all the products I was loving this year! Makeup L'Oreal telescopic mascara Chi Chi 3D Magic Lash Mascara Mac studio...

Milky Foot Review & Results

|On 6:10 pm
About three weeks ago I saw Meghan Rienks post a video with her feet as the image. Out of natural curiosity I clicked into it and discovered this product. Of course I wanted to try it out myself and have the opportunity to feel satisfied watching my skin peel. ​​  *If you hate images of...

Makeup I take travelling + tips

|On 6:06 pm
​ ​​ It's the time of the year when I always go away for the summer and I'm faced with the challenging task of picking what makeup I need with me. 99% of the time I bring way too much and barely wear any of it. I've created a technique that helps me to hopefully not overpack and...

Chanel vs L'Oreal: Save or Splurge?

|On 6:04 pm
I have two foundations in my collection which remind me of each other so I thought I'd put them to the test and wear one and the other on each half of my face. These are Chanel's Perfection Lumiere Velvet and L'Oreal's Nude Magique foundations. Both foundations require you to shake before use and...

Mascara Collection Reviewed

|On 6:01 pm
The past two weeks I've been working every day for 6 hours so I thought it was the perfect opportunity to try out all my mascaras and see how they performed. I've included photos of my natural lashes, once the mascara has been applied as well as how it looks at the end of the day because who doesn't...

MAC Burgundy Times Nine

|On 5:58 pm
My birthday just passed so I had a voucher and money to spend. Naturally I decided to pick up a new makeup product that I wouldn't splurge on if I didn't have a voucher. I decided to pick up the MAC Burgundy Times Nine palette that a lot of people were raving about a few months back. I don't own...