My Skin Diaries #1

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6:42 pm
This series is about something that is very personal to me but I have decided to take you all on the journey with me. I have made the decision to go 100% natural and try to combat my hormonal acne myself using organic and natural skincare/makeup, vitamins, juices and detox. I will do frequent updates on how things are going whenever I see an improvement or change and hopefully this can help someone else out there with their struggles!

I have had hormonal acne for 7 years so I know what it is like to pile on the most full coverage makeup possible just to boost confidence. Even though right now I don't suffer from acne I have decided to come off the medication that helped to clear it. I feel as though an all natural route will be safer and more rewarding for my skin and body in the long run. I am worried that coming off the medication will let all that acne to return as my hormones are unbalanced and I've had ovarian cysts in the past.

Here's a bit more about my acne - it is mainly on my jaw line, chin and cheek areas, I have never had it on my forehead or "T zone" (normal/dry skin type). I usually only break out at the time of the month, when I am stressed and when I eat too many sugary foods.
Now that I have gotten my background story out of the way this is what I have decided to do to not only treat my acne but also help out with my health and hormonal issues. A lot of what I have purchased was from iHerb so if you are interested in any of these items I will include a link.

On a daily basis I will be taking Vitamin A, Maca Root Tablet and a Womens Multivitamin - these will be taken with my breakfast.

Vitamin A
BLACKMORES Vitamin A 5000
Although this vitamin is marketed to improve day and night vision it also has benefits for the skin. Some benefits include -
  • Preventing dead skin cells from clogging pores
  • Reduces the amount of oil your skin produces
  • Suppresses androgen formation - a cause of acne
  • Keeps cell damage and inflammation to a minimum
  • Reduces wrinkles, fades brown spots and helps to even out any texture in your skin
I have actually been taking Vitamin A for the past month and have had no negative side-effects. I have noticed that my skin is a lot smoother however when I post this I am still on medication so I will update you again when I am off it.

Nature's Own Mega Potency Women's Multivitamin
Claims -
  • assists energy production & helps maintain a healthy nervous system
  • assists skin defences & repair mechanisms that may reduce the effects of ageing
  • supports healthy bones
I am on my third month of using this multivitamin and so far so good.

Maca Root Tablet
Now Foods Maca 500mg
I will be starting this tablet in October and will update its affects in future skin diary entries. I am starting out with the lowest amount of mg I could find to make sure it agrees with me before taking a high dosage.

After endless nights researching I found out that Maca Root is comparable to the contraceptive pill (minus the contraceptive part). It helps to increase energybalance hormones and prevent cysts which will hopefully also prevent my acne from returning.

Additionally I will be completely a 30 day detox to help clear my liver from any toxins. If your body is full of toxins it will reflect in your skin so I'm hoping doing a detox through tea will help. The tea I've decided to go with is the Yogi Caffeine Free Detox

I have no idea if you're supposed to avoid eating when doing a detox but there is no way I won't be eating for a month. I will be limiting my amount of sugar intake and completely eliminate junk food!

I'm the type of person that isn't the biggest fan of fruit so I make myself juices almost daily combining various fruits and vegetables. This way I am having the recommended intake in a convenient way for me personally. I have been doing this for the past two months or so and will continue in the future. If any of you are interested I can do a post on the juices I do that help improve your skin + taste good!

For now I am using Antipodes Skincare, Stem Organics and other natural skincare. Specifically the products I am using are -
Last but not least is makeup. Obviously I am a makeup addict, I have an Instagram account dedicated to it and this blog to share my reviews with you all. I am not comfortable to completely cut out wearing makeup so on more of a daily basis I am going to be using a natural and hopefully organic concealer and/or foundation. I haven't decided on which one I will purchase but I will include the one I chose in my next update.

I know this post is long and probably boring for most of you but I'm just hoping that by sharing my journey with you all I can help at least one other person or encourage you to also try a more natural method. In future posts I will let you know what worked for me or what didn't, any new things I am trying and possibly result pictures if I notice enough of a difference. Thank you for reading and here's to a (hopefully) very successful journey!
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