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Current Beauty Favourites

|On 5:24 pm
I am horrible with committing to monthly beauty favourites because I tend to stick to products for longer periods of time and don't switch things up monthly. So I am here today to share my current beauty favourites with you all. Lip balm Eco Lips Mongo Kiss - Vanilla Honey Dry lips? Desperately...

Colour Correcting 101

|On 4:59 pm
A few people have asked me how to best conceal birthmarks, redness, dark circles etc so I thought I'd put together a simple post to explain it. Although I am not a makeup artist I have dealt with most of these issues myself, so I do know a thing or two based off my own experience. First things...

Test it Tuesday: Promoting photos on Instagram

|On 6:05 pm
Tonight's post is inspired by Instagram making life difficult. I have seen a lot of people (myself included) notice a drop in engagement with their posts and a few others are paying to hopefully bring in new followers, likes, comments etc. Personally @thedailycatchup is a hobby. I don't want it...

Skin Diaries #6

|On 5:20 pm
First things first, sorry for being absent from my blog once again. Life has been throwing a lot at me this year and I really had to figure out my priorities, which unfortunately meant blogging and Instagram got a little neglected. If you are a regular reader of my skin diaries you would know I've...

SCOUT Cosmetics Luminous Finish Foundation | Review

|On 5:51 pm
The last week of uni is over and now I just have two weeks of placement. I can finally get back into regular blogging!!  This weeks post is a foundation review. Foundations are one of my favourite makeup products to try out because I feel like my skin is very difficult to work with, so when one...