Q & A

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5:56 pm

What's your favourite thing about blogging? (the.life.of.laura)
I love that there are no rules. I can be as creative as I want, take photos and write about whatever I feel like that week. For me it's the perfect break from "reality" and it's something fun for me to do. I treat it as a way to "destress".

Do you use lights to take your photos? If so, what do you use? (the.life.of.laura)
I rely on natural lighting for all my photos. I've looked into ring lights and other artificial lighting boxes but it seems too complex for me. Personally, sunlight is the best light!

Best advice for building up a good following on Instagram? (digital.han)
Post frequently and comment on other people's photos. If you post regularly that will show your current followers that you're active and by commenting on other people's or brand's photos someone could potentially click on your name and fall in love with your account. Basically be as active as possible, because it is a great opportunity to not only get recognised but also meet new people and make new friends.

What is your favourite meal of the day? (the_foundation_feature)
My favourite meal is definitely dinner! I also love when it is pizza night 🍕

What is your least favourite thing about social media? (the_foundation_feature)
This is the most challenging question haha. So far everything is amazing and going well for me so I don't have anything I dislike about social media in regards to running my account. But in general something I don't like about social media is that when someone posts a photo they manipulate what they want people to see or read so someone's life could appear "perfect" and a lot better than yours. Sometimes I look at people's feeds and feel like other people are so lucky or look amazing 24/7 but I remind myself that real life isn't a bunch of edited photos. Life is a lot more raw and real than how its portrayed on social media and social media makes it easy to forget that at times.

What did you want to be when you were little? (roseycheekamanda_)
I always wanted to be a teacher. I even used to play "schools" with my brother and friends because it was all I wanted to do lol. Right now I am actually studying to become a primary school teacher!

What's your number one tip for getting PR packages? (everything_makeup14)
I rarely reach out to brands so I don't have many tips here. But based off the two times that I have I'd recommend you create a media kit. There are a lot of free templates online to guide you on what to include but it also allows brands to get to know you, what you believe in, as well as all the stats they generally want to know (such as followers, average likes etc.). 

Also in your email to them be genuine when you ask to be added to their PR list, you could also say a few ideas that you have in mind if they were to partner with you.

Do you prefer applying your base with a beauty sponge or brush? (cindysmakeupdiary)
A brush because it gives me fuller coverage with less layers. I do like the finish a sponge gives but it takes too long to cover my redness and I don't have time for that in the mornings 😦

What's your go-to boost drink? (cindysmakeupdiary)
Anything with berries and watermelon. Lately I've been loving wondermelon 👌

How do you get motivated? What if you just run out of ideas for photos? (withlovew)
I take my photos in bulk when I get a burst of random motivation. I usually get one idea and then based off that I will take about 40 photos to last me until the next time I take a bunch of pictures. If I'm lacking photo ideas I always have a lot of FOTD photos and product features, they're my go-to's. 

If I really feel like I have no motivation or ideas on what to take I scroll through people's feeds and get inspired by them.

Advice for someone who wants to start an Instagram for their blog? (whatjessiswearing)
First of all can I just say how excited I am that you went and made an Instagram for your blog!! Everyone check out Jessica's account if you're into fashion.

Now to actually answer the question in case others are thinking of starting an account. Just go for it, if you keep overthinking it then you will continue to delay it and you're missing out on all the fun!! When you start your account post photos of things you like and then you will gain an audience which relate to you or are genuinely interested in what you post. Although I wouldn't even worry about followers at the start, people will discover you but it shouldn't be about the followers. You want to make your account because it is something you are passionate about and enjoy!

Also, don't compare yourself to accounts that have been running longer than yours because they've all started from a blank feed too. It is easy to scroll through the amazing accounts with a larger following and wish your feed looked like theirs but it is all a learning experience and make your account your own! There is a quote that I really like and it is: Don't compare your beginning to someone else's middle.

Thank you to everyone that participated and make sure you check out their accounts! I had a lot of fun writing up this post and answering questions you had for me. I hope this post has been helpful and you all have a lovely week ahead xx
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