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A Beginners Guide: Contouring and Highlighting

|On 6:25 pm
Recently contouring and highlighting has been all the craze and so many celebrities have been looking chiseled to perfection. For the average beauty lover or someone who is just starting out, contouring and highlighting isn't very easy to master. Hopefully these tips and tricks can help you out. ​​ Evidently contouring can...

A Beginners Guide: How to take the perfect flatlay

|On 9:00 pm
There are so many Instagrams dedicated to all things beauty and a lot of their feeds include flatlays featuring the perfect white background. I am here to share my tips and tricks on how I achieve my white background and crisp photos. What you need: Good lighting! This is the most important...

Favourite makeup products for dry skin

|On 6:21 pm
Dry skin doesn't always need to mean cakey looking makeup. To follow up my post last week about my foundation routine for dry skin here are some products I love using and I find are helpful. ​​ // P R I M E R //Face of Australia Face Base PrimerAny moisturising primer will work and make...

Dry Skin Foundation Routine

|On 6:20 pm
​ ​My skin type has changed this past year and finding a foundation that sits right has been a challenge. I didn't want to throw away any of my older foundations so here is how I make any foundation work for me. If you're interested keep on reading. A moisturising primer has become a must...