A Beginners Guide: How to take the perfect flatlay

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9:00 pm
There are so many Instagrams dedicated to all things beauty and a lot of their feeds include flatlays featuring the perfect white background. I am here to share my tips and tricks on how I achieve my white background and crisp photos.

What you need:
  • Good lighting! This is the most important part. Either set yourself up beside a big window that allows a lot of direct sunlight to come in or take yourself outdoors. Alternatively you can use white lighting such as a white light lamp.
  • A white piece of cardboard
  • Your camera - I use my phone camera (Huawei P8)
  • An app to edit with - again I use what my phone offers but some apps I occasionally use are VSCO or Photo Editor Pro. You can also play around with the settings Instagram offer.
  • Bluetack - this stops products from rolling away
What to do:
Personally, as mentioned above, I take all my photos outdoors. Whenever the sun is shining I make the most of it and snap as many photos as I can get!
I set myself up in my driveway under direct sunlight. As pictured below:

To take the photo I usually stand above the cardboard and move around until there isn't any shadow.

Once I have taken the photo I then go into my phones editor and adjust the lighting and sharpen the photo. For those of you who may have the same phone as me these are generally what I put the photos settings on:

If you are using Instagram to edit your photos you would adjust the highlights feature and bring it towards the right of your screen. This will whiten your background and make it a lot brighter. If it alters your products I find that lessening the 'shadow' helps to darken them back up a little.

Hopefully this was somewhat helpful for you all and after reading this you will notice that there is no big secret and it is doable. Ultimately it is all down to good lighting and making a few minor adjustments to enhance the white backdrop. No photoshop needed!

Thank you for reading and happy flatlaying :)

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