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Magic Scar Eraser? | Antipodes Apostle Skin-Brightening serum

|On 5:10 pm
This product is not new to The Daily Catchup. It has featured in a few blogposts and many photos on my Instagram in the past, so it was only right to give it a blogpost all to itself. I am referring to the Antipodes Apostle Skin-Brightening serum. When you hear the words skin-brightening, I don't know...

Makeup I travel with ⚓

|On 5:13 pm
Every January my family and I go to spend the month at the beach. For the past few years I encourage myself to pack light and only bring the products I absolutely need. So this post is sharing what I packed and in a way, my favourite makeup products since they made the cut or products I plan to use...

Brand Focus: Nudestix

|On 7:32 pm
Late last year a new love was born, my obsession with Nudestix. I love what their brand stand for and the simplicity yet multi-use purposes of their products. There is just something about makeup in crayon form that really appeals to me. I'm sure you've seen the multiple posts that have graced my...

Skin Diaries #7

|On 5:39 pm
Happy New Year fellow beauty lovers! I was going to wait before doing another skin update but I decided to start the blogging new year with my skin. Especially because this year, one of my major focuses is to clear my skin and get my hormonal acne/scarring under control. As per usual I will attach...