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Highend Makeup Wishlist

|On 8:37 pm
We all have things we want but don't need.  I have never written a blogpost about products I really want to try out and own so I thought I would create a list of things I want from either Sephora, Mecca or Myer. If you own any of these products comment below and share your thoughts with me! Too...

How to: Bleach hair without damage

|On 7:30 pm
I came across an online article (xovain) which revealed the secret to bleaching your hair without the damage and pain. Anyone who knows me personally knows I love blonde hair. If I ever go back to being brunette a month or so later I miss the blonde and want to bleach my hair all over again. Bleach...

How to save while studying

|On 7:00 pm
This weeks post is all about a company that offers discounts for us students. Students have so many fees to pay, books to buy and usually live off part-time jobs, especially if you're studying full time, so any discount is a good discount! A few years back my cousin introduced me to a company...

The Beauty Lover Tag

|On 9:23 pm
1. If you could have anyone in the world do your makeup, who would it be? NikkieTutorials!She makes everybody look so flawless, glowy, glittery and perfect. She is a makeup Goddess. 2. What's your top makeup tip? My number one makeup tip is less is more in the sense of less product and build your...

Trash Talk #2

|On 9:00 pm
Welcome back everyone to a new blogpost and a new week! I have finally accumulated enough used up products to review for you all. (To read my first trash talks post click here.) I have been pushing myself lately to use up any products that were almost finished and I have also been testing out a lot...