The Boyfriend Tag!

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6:07 pm
I'm back! After a three week break from blogging I wanted to come back with a post that was fun and light hearted. I've decided to do a variation of the boyfriend tag however I've tweaked the questions a little. Hopefully you enjoy his responses and are able to get to know me/us a little better.

P.S. This isn't a question but for anyone wondering we met when we were 14 years old and have been together for 3 and a half years. We did date for half a year when we were 15 but broke up then reunited and here we are now.
Also whatever is in brackets and italicised is my commentating on his responses.

So let's get into it!

1. What was your first ever opinion of me?
It was the first day of year 9 and we had assembly. I thought who is this new girl with braces talking to her sister? (That girl was not even my sister 😂).

2. I'm watching TV, what is on the screen?
The Bachelor (Anyone else not started Matty's season yet?)

3. What is my weirdest habit?
I don't think you have any weird habits.

4. What film always makes me cry?
Any Nicholas Sparks movie.

5. What do I always order when we go out for dinner?
Depends on where we go but mainly margherita pizza, pasta, risotto or something with no meat.

6. What's my favourite clothing item?
Turtle necks (I have two drawers full and probably over 50 but I will forever keep buying them!)

7. What is one makeup item I can't live without?
Probably lipstick since you have 1,000 (love lipsticks but I'd choose foundation or concealer soz Cosi).

8. Where am I on a Friday night?
Usually home with me watching a movie or going out for dinner.

9. What is something you have learnt from me?
I have learnt to use the correct English grammar and also to be nice more often (Anyone else correct other people's grammar/spelling? Or is it just the "teacher" in me?)

10. What is my favourite lip colour and what lip colour is your favourite on me?
I think you like nude lipstick or something. I like red on you (the one colour I literally never wear).

11. If I won $1,000 what would I do with it?
(This question was supposed to be if I won it but he answered it for himself too) I'd buy some clothes, shoes, food and maybe a tattoo. You would buy clothes and makeup ✓ ✓ 

12. If I were an animal, what animal would I be?
You would be a dog, an elephant or a rabbit because you like those animals (lovely variety).

13. What is your favourite thing that we do together?
My favourite thing would be going out for dinner dates, looking for new adventures and going for walks together.

14. If I could eat one thing every day what would it be?
Not too sure, your appetite changes (true but I'd eat pasta).

15. What is your favourite makeup look on me?
Any look you feel comfortable in because I don't know looks or makeup.

That brings us to the end of this tag. I will attach a few photos of us because why not. Also yes he is super tall and I am short ðŸ˜‚ Thank you for reading and I will try my best to get back into the swing of things!
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