Clear Skin - A Sip At A Time

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7:24 pm
Happy New Year everyone! I am kicking 2017 off with more of a health type of post. Skincare starts from the inside out and it took me a long time to realise that. In 2016 I was really into making my own fruit juices and smoothies combining ingredients that help to improve the state of your skin. Today I will be sharing a few of the blends I love as well as the benefits of each ingredient. I won't be including quantities as you can make as much or as little as you like however for these juices to work to full effect drink them immediately rather than letting them sit.
The All Rounder
What you need:
-Spinach leaves
-Kale leaves
-Red apple
Optional - fresh ginger

How it helps: 
Spinach- is rich in chlorophyll. Therefore it helps to rid your body from bacteria and toxins in your digestive tract and blood stream.
Kale- full of vitamin A, C and K. It helps with repairing the tissues underneath your skin and can even help diminish dark circles!
Watermelon- helps with dehydration, rich in vitamin A, C and antioxidants which helps improves health. Aids with fine lines and age spots.
Pear- full of fibre and help slow the release of sugar into your blood which prevents too many sugar spikes.
Red apple- have the potential to lighten, brighten and soothe irritated/reddened skin. Will keep your skin looking youthful!

The Quick Option
What you need:
-Frozen berries
-Frozen mango
-Coconut water

How it helps:
Berries- high in antioxidants, reduce inflammation and help achieve radiant skin.
Mango- makes your skin glow and has anti-aging benefits.
Coconut water- promotes elasticity, protects your skin against sun damage and prevents dry skin.

Sweet & Refreshing with a touch of spice
What you need:

How it helps:
Strawberries- are full of vitamin C which fights off radicals that steal oxygen from healthy cells and destroy collagen. Also contain folic acid which aids cell regeneration and they remove excess oil from your skin which = less sebum build up!
Carrot-  rich in vitamin A which helps fight acne faster.
Ginger- rejuvenates your skin as it contains roughly 40 antioxidant properties that prevent ageing and damage. Also evens skin tone and improves elasticity.

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