How to have a successful No-Buy 💰

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6:30 pm
A no-buy, something that could be good for some or challenging for others. I've done a few no-buys over the time of being a beauty lover and I am currently on a year long one. I've figured out and learnt a few tips and tricks so I thought I'd share.
1. Make a makeup inventory
This tip is the most important in my option. You physically how much you own, how many products you have in each category etc.

I've put mine together via excel but you can do it in your bullet journal, word, a notebook or a follower of mine (Tanya) suggested an app: Momento.

Having a monthly tally will also help to keep you motivated as it will tell you how much you're actually using up, whether it is money-wise or the quantity in a certain category.

My previous blogpost is all about how to make a makeup inventory!

2. Start off with a low-buy
Instead of going completely from frequent makeup purchases to none at all, consider taking baby steps. You could set a monthly or yearly makeup budget, whichever works for you. Or you could only purchase a new product for X amount of products you use up.

For me, I will only repurchase something if I run out of products in that category. For example, I only own two black mascaras so once they're used up or dried out I will allow myself to buy another one.

3. Set yourself challenges
If you're the type of person that likes challenges or setting goals with makeup then consider doing a pan that palette or project pan. There are heaps of types on youtube, there's project 10 pan, 18 by the end of 2018 and so on. You would have seen my intro to my first project pan a few weeks ago so,  I'm only picking a few products to see how I go.

A few of my favourite YouTubers that promote using the makeup you own:

I find binge watching these ladies (and a few others that pop up in recommendations), really helps me stay motivated to use what I own.

4. Don't give in to new releases (how?!)
This is sometimes easier said than done. However, Elle has a great video about FOMO (fear of missing out) which has really helped me not care for new releases. She makes a great point that those products will a) always be around, or b) if it's limited edition and you fall in love with it, you won't be able to repurchase it any way.

5. Shop your stash
Switch things up often, play around with your makeup to create new looks you haven't tried before.

Hopefully these tips are helpful, as well as the youtubers I have recommended. Let me know if you're giving a no-buy a go, if so, how long?
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